Swim: stroke after stroke
Check in: aloha ke akua
For the check-in on our final day, Jane introduced us to the lyrics of aloha ke akua, a song by Nahko and Medicine for the People. Danielle shared the deeper meaning of the song title from Hawaiian language - loosely the breath of life and the love of God.
Listen on Soundcloud Watch on YouTube (along with a stunning film clip) |
8 Breaths of Design
The 8 Breaths of Design is a way to consider any large scale project or change initiative. Mel stepped through the 8 breaths, and also shared another useful participatory design tool: the Chaordic Stepping Stones.
Designing for Wiser Action
Nuu-chah-nulth tribal wisdom - remember the practice of APHEI:
It is kind to ask for help
A person who cannot ask for help cannot be trusted
Designing for Wiser Action is a great way to move participatory and collaborative projects forward in a good way. Six participants asked for help with their projects, with others offering their wisdom in the process.
Here are some reflections of the hosts:
Anni: Create a sustainable cricketing community
Laurie: Create a sustainable organisation that serves the people we support well
Swi: Develop a Doodle for Self-Care group for people in care professions
Kristie: How do we maintain the magic to support the health of one of our participants?
Ron: How do we implement our tenancy participant and engagement project?
Monique: Design and facilitation process with services that is highly participatory for people with lived experience of mental illness
"It was such a gift to be a team member"
Here are some reflections of the hosts:
Anni: Create a sustainable cricketing community
- What I'm grateful for: Joy of sitting at a table full of passion
- Next wise steps: Find some mates, create a team. Work on invitation
Laurie: Create a sustainable organisation that serves the people we support well
- What I'm grateful for: knowledge, insight, understanding, tolerance
- Next steps: take time to reflect, make sure next steps are wise
Swi: Develop a Doodle for Self-Care group for people in care professions
- What I'm grateful for: Resourcefulness and openness of the group
- Next wise steps: Not to be afraid to ask for help, some more structure: 1-2 hours per week on business plan
Kristie: How do we maintain the magic to support the health of one of our participants?
- What I'm grateful for: a wonderful idea, for everyone’s input and support for Linda
- Next wise steps: Take this idea back with me, and share it
Ron: How do we implement our tenancy participant and engagement project?
- What I'm grateful for: The way the team around me engaged and participated - the collective wisdom
- Next wise steps: Determine core team and refine calling question
Monique: Design and facilitation process with services that is highly participatory for people with lived experience of mental illness
- What I'm grateful for: clarity from conversation, ideas and challenges raised
- Next wise steps: take the new plan and integrate into old plan
"It was such a gift to be a team member"
Two Loops and a talk about Teal
Jane introduced us to, and invited us to walk through a theory of systems change known as the Two Loops (Berkana Institute).
We also learned about Teal organisations, inspired by Fredric Laloux's book Reinventing Organisations, as an alternative model of organising businesses, companies and teams. |
Check out: What will you take back with you, to your life and work?
Ending our time together, Jane shared a spoken word meta-harvest (visit the harvest page to read and listen).
We heard about ways to connect with other Art of Hosting practitioners in Australia and around the world.
Susie hosted the closing check out circle, with the question: What will you take back with you, to your life and work?
We heard about ways to connect with other Art of Hosting practitioners in Australia and around the world.
Susie hosted the closing check out circle, with the question: What will you take back with you, to your life and work?