Surface and breathe
Checking in with the Ropes Game :)
World Cafe
Introducing The World Café, a method for creating a living network of collaborative dialogue around questions that matter in real life situations. We explored three rounds of questions at Cafe tables, moving to new places each round and sharing insights as we went.
Round 1: What time is it in the world?
Time for:
Time to:
A time of:
Round 2: What time is it in your organisation or community?
Time for:
Time to:
Round 3: What time is it in your life?
Time for:
Time to:
A time of:
Need, purpose and powerful questions
Mel shared a little about the 'power triangle' of need, purpose and a powerful question, and a little insight into what makes a powerful question.
Over 2 rounds, Beachcombing was a chance to explore ideas, practices and stories in more depth with hosts in smaller groups. Participants let their passion and feet do the choosing:
- Circle practice - Jan
- Flow Game - Pam
- The Work - Jane
- Applying this in my work - Mel
- Powerful questions - Frank
- A taste of graphic recording - Mel
- The story of Weeroona - Susie, Trish and Kerry
Appreciative Inquiry and Triads
Jan introduced Appreciative Inquiry and the 5 D's model. Instead of taking a problem-solving approach, Appreciative Inquiry offers a possibility focus, a move from “what is” to “what could be”. Based on a powerful, affirmative question, people share stories to uncover experiences that resemble what we want to create.
This was followed by an AI experience, using Triads.
This was followed by an AI experience, using Triads.
Triads: Tell about a time when you brought your best self...
- Discovered my best self
- My best self turned up more than I thought
- Everything we have thought about our best selves we’ve done with other people
- Journey from what is my best work to what is my best self
- The power of the observer in the triad to take the eagle view of what shifted and when it happened
- I learned I do bring my best self, that gives me heart
- It took a while to drop from what is my best work self to who is my best self
- Blown away by people sharing stories with vulnerability
Open Space Technology
Open Space is another tool where participants drive the agenda of a meeting, workshop or conference, around topics that matter most to them. Here are the conversations our participants wanted to have:
- What role could Nonviolent Communication play in the workplace? David
- What makes a good organisation? Travis
- What will it take to wake up the world? Jordan
- How do we create inclusive communities through conversations with children? Geoff
- How do I know when change can no longer be ignored? Ron
- What can we do to increase awareness on racism? Swi
Check out: what popped or shifted for me today?